Monday, October 13, 2008

Shaikh Fat-wa

We find brother Maherban again having to respond to his last e-mail to his family about the advice he received from Shaikh Kno-wit-all... this time he is writing a response to his nephew...

My Favorite Nephew in the Hanging Chad State of Flo-rida,

It is good to hear that you are alive... although I am saddened by your assertion that you find my musings so frustrating...

It reminds me of a halaqa I recently attended by Shaikh Ibn Fat-wa.

Shaikh Ibn Fat-wa: My students we are here today to talk about... (long pause)... what makes us frustrated!... Who here knows the cause of frustration? Anybody?
Eager Student: Peace be upon you Shaikh, and may Allah bless you for your great insight... Shaikh, is Shaitan (Satan) the cause of our frustrations?

Shaikh Ibn Fat-wa: Yes Eager Student, indeed Shaitan can cause us frustration... But how does he do it? What are the means that lead to frustration?
Young Student with peach fuz goatee: Peace be upon you Shaikh, and may Allah reward you 70 times for spreading the word of Allah... Shaikh, is it logic and philosophy that frustrates us?

Shaik Ibn Fat-wa: Brother young student with peach fuz goatee, indeed you are correct... and may Allah reward you 70 times for your efforts. Allah has forbidden reason... for reason leads to discussion and discussions lead to fitna... Indeed fitna is the greatest form of sin... What other means of frustration are there?
Long Beard Untucked Shirt: Peace be upon you Shaikh, and may Allah reward you 10 times the Fibonacci series for your efforts in trying to give us certain knowledge... Shaikh, is it women that are a means of frustration?

Shaik Ibn Fat-wa: Yes Long Beard, indeed some women are a source of frustration to men, while others are a source of great comfort... If you find your self frustrated by a woman... then pray to Allah that you find a comfort woman who will take away all your frustrations... what are some other things that frustrate us? Yes, brother Maherbaan... you don't have to raise your hand... Did I not tell you last week to stop trimming your beard and tucking your shirt... also don't raise your left hand... raise your right hand... that is more closer to Sunna...
Maherbaan: Peace be upon you Shaikh, and may Allah reward you 71 times 71 for trying to bring us the light of wisdom... and Shaikh... forgive me for I am Sunna challenged... I also find my self in darkness and doubt... Isn't frustration caused by an inability to solve the problems we face... and the fear of never being able to solve them...

Shaik Ibn Fat-wa: Subhanallah, brother Maherbaan you could not be any more wrong... Nothing happens without Allah's knowledge... and our frustrations cannot be caused by us... why would anyone not be able to, with Allah's help, solve any problem they confront... That makes no sense... Indeed as other brothers have pointed out the various causes of our frustrations... Brother at this rate you will never be able to move forward in your studies...

I hope this helps you understand that causes of frustration are many... Last I checked... I was not a Shaitan, a women or a philosopher...

That only leaves logic... I guess... Never mind...

Sorry!... I will be more careful next time...

Your Uncle

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