Sunday, October 12, 2008

About Shaikh Spear

Maherban finds himself deluged with e-mail responses from his family...
He is especially disturbed by an e-mail from his niece.
Here is his response to this niece...

My dear favorite niece in the great state of M!

I am so sorry the Shaikh Kno-wit-all disappointed you...

What can I do to return the 5 minutes you just wasted...

I really think you should give the Shaikh another chance... He is quite knowledgeable... Maybe you should discuss the virtues of the Shaikh with Abbu... He seems to hold them in very high regard... You know after many years of disagreeing with Abbu about the Shaikh... I have come to respect the Shaikh and his vast and certain knowledge...

It might take you some time to realize the wisdom of the Shaikh... but when you do... you will have... well I don't want to give away the surprise...

I look forward to you starting your journey in search of the Shaikh...

In fact, I invite all the young folks to start this journey as soon as possible...

Maybe we can add some activities centered around the Shaikh during our vacation...

I would love to introduce you guys to Shaikh Spear!

Here is a sample of his greatest Halaqa (classroom discussion)!

Shaikh Spear: To be or not be! To be or not be a Muslim! That is the question we must ask ourselves! To be a Muslim is s not about just dressing right, having the right name, and performing the 5 pillars. It is more than going to Juma, reading the Quran in Arabic, obeying your parents, or seeking out and following the right Shaikh.

To be a perfect Muslim, you must avoid all sins and the paths that lead to sin. You must learn to enjoin the good and forbid evil. You must forbid all paths that lead to sin... You know the greatest path that leads to sin?

Who knows the greatest path that leads to sin? Anybody? Yes.. young man, what do you think is the greatest path to sin?

Young Man: Women!

Shaikh Spear: No that would be the 3rd greatest path to sin? Yes, brother with a long beard and the untucked shirt.

Brother Long Beard: Shaikh, is it Fitna? or is it anything that leads to Fitna!

Shaikh Spear: No brother, but you are closer... Fitna is the greatest sin... it is not a path to the sin... yes, you brother Maherbaan with the jeans and the tucked shirt and a short beard... Did I not tell you last week to stop wearing jeans, tucking your shirt, and trimming your beard...

Maherbaan: yes Shaikh, you did... I am ashamed brother... but I think I know the answer to your question... Is it the tongue!

Shaikh Spear: No brother Maherban... but in your ignorance, you have managed to stumble closer to the truth... The tongue is the 2nd greatest path to sin. Since no one else knows the answer... let me tell you the greatest path to sin... .....

As you guys can read from the above excerpt... The esteemed Shaikh Spear has an amazing amount of certain knowledge...

Spending even just 10 seconds with him will clear all confusion and cause you to remove all doubt, become more perfect... and because you are pursuing knowledge with the Shaikh... your reward is increased 70 times 70... and if you act now the Shaikh will double the reward offered... but wait... if you e-mail the Shaikh in the next 10 minutes... you will multiply your reward 70 times every time you seek out the Shaikh... Just in case you missed the math... that would be 70 to the power of n... not 70n but 70 to the power of n... can you believe this amazing offer... you see by increasing the reward by 70 times the previous amount of accumulated reward... you won't need to seek the Shaikh as often... I mean common... how much reward does one person need?... Other than Iblis... I don't think anybody in this family commits that level of sin that they would need so many rewards... yes if you act now... you can set your self up for the rest of your life... and in these Financial times... who can resist this amazing offer...

I hope I have given you back the wasted 5 minutes of your life...

Your Uncle

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