Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Shaikh Fe-arn-ot al-bahadur

Maherban finds himself trying to explain fear to his nephew based on a statement made by his nephew…

“…If my wife asked me that question the way you just did, I would agree without reading or investigating, out of pure fear…”

Dear Nephew from Chicago,

Your statement is amusing... However, just in case you were serious... I will share a halaqa I attended with Shaikh Fe-arn-ot al-bahadur

Shaikh Fe-arn-ot al-bahadur: Today we are hear to talk about who we should fear. As a Muslim who should you fear?
Eager Student: Shaikh , peace be upon you and mercy of Allah, I fear the terrorists...

Shaikh Fe-arn-ot al-bahadur: Subhan-ullah... Brother you should not fear the terrorists... they cannot harm you... as a Muslim you should only fear Allah...
Eager Student: But Shaikh , I have seen how the innocent are hurt by the terrorists with my own eyes... How can you say they cannot harm me...

Shaikh Fe-arn-ot al-bhadur: Brother, they can only harm your body... your body is only needed for this world... your body will do you no good in the next world... so you see they really cannot harm you...
Eager Student: But Shaikh , are you saying I should not fear someone who can harm my body?

Shaikh Fe-arn-ot al-bahadur: No... your body is only a test for you in this world...
Eager Student: But Shaikh , I don't understand... if I don't have to fear someone who will harm my body... then why should I fear Allah?

Shaikh Fe-arn-ot al-bahadur: Because Allah can damn you to eternal hell fire... What can a terrorist do to you in this world... He can only destroy your body... he cannot destroy your score with Allah...
Brother Long Beard: I see what you mean Shaikh , but as you know, I spend my days learning the wisdom Allah has granted the best of his servants, I help those in need, I feed the hungry, I am faithful to my wives, I spend in the way of Allah, I safe guard the property that has been entrusted of me, I pray to Allah to keep me humble and not become arrogant with righteous piety. I do everything I know to be a virtuous Muslim in deed. I am not really afraid of Allah, I figure, if there is something I do out of ignorance that is a sin... Allah will guide me to the right path... But I do fear others who may harm me or my family...

Shaikh Fe-arn-ot al-bahadur: Brother, I will concede, that you make a significant effort to gain Allah's pleasure... but you are missing the point... When we talk about fear, the only thing as a Muslim we should fear is the eternal hell fire. The word fear is not used for human caused harm... The words for human generated harm is horror, terror, afraid.... and of course you should be horrified, terrorized, or afraid of harmful acts by barbarians... however, you should never fear any harm that comes to you by man... The word fear as used in the Quran is meant to re-assure believers that they had nothing to fear from Allah.. and when Pharaoh would tell his followers that he was a God... Allah reminded the people that Pharaoh was Arrogant to think he was a God, that like all false Gods he had no say so in what happens to the person after they were dead... The Pharaoh used to threaten his people with eternal hell fire... Allah responded by saying that the only one to fear was Allah and not man... For man could not determine where a person ended up in the after life...

Eager Student: Al-Humdu-lil-lah Shaikh , I never understood that before... when I hear Shaikh Kno-wit-all, he always said, that we should fear Allah, or we will face a calamity... I always understood that to mean this world and not the next world... so I stand corrected... I don't fear the terrorist, but I am afraid of them...
Shaikh Fe-arn-ot al-bahadur: Brother, I cannot tell you what Shaikh Kno-wit-all meant... But that is what I understand the word fear to mean... There are others who will disagree with me on this topic... However, it is my judgment that the balance of the evidence we have, suggests the understanding I have relayed to you is the most consistent with a just Diety. So since we have decided that we should not fear the terrorists... who should we fear?

Long Beard: As you said Shaikh , we should only fear Allah, but I too am afraid Shaikh .
Shaikh Fe-arn-ot al-bahadur: Brother Long Beard, who are you afraid of?

Long Beard: Shaikh , I am afraid of women.. I worry that I will be enticed into committing a sin...
Shaikh Fe-arn-ot al-bahadur: Brother Long Bear, you should not be afraid of women.. As you long you maintain that very long beard, you should not be worried of any women coming near you... Having said that… you should know that women are a blessing from Allah! Brother Long Beard, if you are afraid of committing a sin with a women, then just get married...

Long Beard: Thank you Shaikh for your advice... I hope to find such a woman soon...
Shaikh Fe-arn-ot al-bhadur: My students, I will confess that I too am afraid... I am afraid of my wife... not because she is a woman... but because of her cooking... I never know if I am going to survive her next meal... may Allah forgive me... will one of you kind students bring me some food to eat...

There you have it my Nephew from Chicago... Only fear Allah....not your wife!

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